For a non-business oriented person, this book has provided clear explanations about the organizational change process. My professor for the Organizational Performance and Change course required this book and I have appreciated the perspective the book has provided.
In Burke's Organization Change Theory and Practice the author provides us with a solid base of understanding of the nature of organizational change and the leadership needed to shepherd change through to a successful completion. In the book Burk provides and overview of organizational change, defining the differences between evolutionary and revolutionary change, and how it applies by looking at real world examples. He also...
If you are concerned about change and need more and better arguments, techniques, tools and experience to do, this book is the best option. Great analysis and very solid in theory and practice. I Like so much.
Now in a completely updated and significantly expanded second edition, "Organization Change: Theory And Practice" by W. Warner Burke (Edward Lee Thorndike Professor of Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, where he also serves as the Chair of the Department of Organization and Leadership) continues to be esteemed and recommended as a graduate school level text for university course work in the...
So much of the literature on change is often a simplistic cookbook claiming change can be executed in 7 easy steps. Burke provides the reader with the theoretical background and takes one through the multiple considerations when executing organizational change. I applaud Dr Burke for revealing the complexity of change and providing insights into the practice of change management.This is a primer for all who are engaged especially...