Since the publication of the first edition, Organising Learning in the Primary School Classroom has been recognised as an indispensable guide for primary school teachers in their quest for more effective practice in the classroom. It gives help on everyday problems of classroom organisation: how to group children, how to set out a classroom physically, how to make the most efficient use of time and resources.
Now in its 4th edition, the book retains these strengths but has been brought right up to date with the many changes that are taking place nationally and globally. The book begins with a survey of these recent changes and goes on to consider their implications for teachers if today's schools are to prepare children for what is, to some extent, an unknown future. In addition to chapters on classroom organisation, the book includes chapters on:
child development creativity PSHE and citizenship teaching language and literacy, ICT, mathematics and science the foundation subjects working with parents working effectively with Teaching Assistants evaluating and assessing learning teaching children with special educational needs or exceptional ability.Throughout, the aim is to get teachers and student teachers to analyse their own classrooms and to produce solutions that will work for them. This book will be invaluable not only to newly qualified teachers, but also to experienced practitioners wishing to review their work.