A great read and excellent book for all who are truly seeking to find God in thier daily life.Every home should have a copy of this book and it makes a great Father's day gift and just a great gift overall.
I have been a Cooperator of Opus Dei for roughly two years now and have read, or at least, tried to read, many books on the spirit of Opus Dei. None of them come close to Scott Hahn's book. If you are looking for a great, short spiritual read, this is it.
This extraordinary little book is unlike anything else out there about Opus Dei. There are books that both vilify and support or endorse Opus Dei, but this book is about personal journey, the positive, transformative, life-changing effects that being involved with the work has had upon one man's life. Unlike the fictional Da Vinci Code, which portrays Opus Dei as the ultimate evil, or even the supposedly non-fiction books...
Whenever I have a question about the Catholic Faith, be it doctrine, dogma, or just Catholic culture I always find myself turning to Dr. Scott Hahn for answers. Whatever the subject, Dr. Hahn seems to have written about it and I feel that I can depend on him for honest answers written in a context that I or anyone else can easily understand. This book written from the perspective of an insider is no exception as the author...
Five BIG Stars!! Dr. Scott Hahn, the awesome Christian author and idealogue, reveals the theology and inner workings of the supposedly 'mysterious' Opus Dei organization by showing it's impact on his life. Dr. Hahn, a former Protestant minister and a Catholic convert, is the author of numerous religious books and recordings, a college theology professor, and makes frequent theological teaching appearances on the worldwide...