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Christian Books & Bibles Devotionals Reference Religion Religion & Spirituality SpiritualityThe way Keith Dawson handles the materials is well-written and concise. He does not waste much time going into more than just a couple real-world applications for the technologies he is explaining, but he does set your mind spinning about how they can be used to suit your needs. The information on VoIP and IP Telephony are a little dated and an updated edition would obviously expand a lot on those technologies (which were...
Chances are that you already have this book in your IT library. But, you probably don't have the 5th edition of the book. Author Keith Dawson has done an outstanding job of presenting the complete guide to starting, running and improving your call center. Dawson begins by showing you his Six-Stage Model of Call Center Development, which is has to do with the way the call center interacts with the rest of the company. Next,...
This is a definite Must Read for any Call Center professional! All those questions about what system/technology does what and how are answered in one fact-based publication. If you want to avoid the headache of time-consuming hunts through web-sites and talking with marketing reps to learn which product works best for your company, this book is for you. If you are looking for a bubble-gum view of call center management, don't...
Keith Dawson has written the seminal book on Call Center technology. Using spare, uncluttered language to illustrate otherwise complex ideas (rare in books about IT), he provides a comprehensive overview of the most rapidly growing facet of the global economy. I refer to the CALL CENTER HANDBOOK all the time and eagerly await the updated edition. Dawson knows his material (subscribe to his newsletter and you'll see what...
Keith Dawson was the editor of Call Center magazine for many years, and this book is still the best single-volume collection of information about call centers (or "contact centers" as they are also called). Dawson will never bore you with needless verbiage, instead always getting straight to the point. Call centers are a tricky combination of technology and people management, and this book will allow you to get a handle...