"A gripping, cinematic supernatural thriller, shot through with unsettling imagery and startling insights into the nature of good and evil." --David Demchuk, Sunburst Award-winning author of The Bone Mother Kidnapped from his foster home, six-year-old...
When six year-old Evan is kidnapped from his foster home, he is dragged into a world of shadows, monsters, and fire. At first, all Evan can think about is how to escape from his violent captor, a man who calls himself Rook; but Evan quickly learns that Rook is the only person...
When six year-old Evan is kidnapped from his foster home, he is dragged into a world of shadows, monsters, and fire. At first, all Evan can think about is how to escape from his violent captor, a man who calls himself Rook; but Evan quickly learns that Rook is the only person...