The Langoliers is my favorite novella so far(I've only read 4 novellas). The plot is great, and the characters were vivid to me. I read this and could not put it down. A shame they disgraced it with the film, but awesome book. I thought this tale was very creative because I could never think of a story like that. This was a great story because it had a lot of action, but there was a little love story in the mix of things...
If you are a fan of the Twilight Zone this is great stuff and I highly recommend it! Shame on the one review where the person slams the characters. Guess what these characters have faults and the book draws them out! AND yes if you needed to save yourself you too might use a toaster for defense. I didn't read the book BUT as you listen to the Audio Book tape you can truly visualize the characters, the scenery and what is...
All in all it is a good book. I love the Mr. Toomy in this book, he is cool. I think that this book would apeal to most people so wh not check it out?
This book showed more economy of writing than any other King book I've read, yet neither the prose nor the story suffered from incompleteness. Absolutely a great plot, built upon a great premise, which I'm afraid to describe lest I give too much away. The only reason I'm not giving it five stars is that the characters seemed built upon cliches.
The Langoliers is a good story. I can't put it any other way. This is the nearest I've seen Stephen King come to science-fiction (The tommyknockers was also kind of Sci-Fi'ish). I loved the Idea of the time rip being mistaken for the Aurora Borealis. The Langoliers had a lot of good Ideas and developed them nicely, keeping the more outlandish ones within the realm of possibility. The plot was smooth (not any jerky transitions)...