The largest and most comprehensive book of its kind in print, the following (and many more subjects) are covered in its nearly 660 pages:
-The Origin of Christ and the issue of Eternal Generation
-Christ's Pre-existence with God the Father
-Christophanies in the Old Testament
-The Son God versus God the Son
-The Almighty God and other "gods"
-God alone as the One True God
-Shaliah, and the Jewish law of agency
-The Thrones of God and Christ
-The 7 Pillars of the Church
-One God and One Lord
-The Image of God
-Biblical and historical witnesses to the identities of God and Christ
-Personal and Positional differences between God and Christ
-The Holy Spirit: Person or Personification?
-The Constitution and Consistency of the Holy Spirit
-Key "Prooftexs" Reproved
-Arguments of various views of the Godhead Answered
-Multiples lists of biblical reasons for a proper view of the Godhead
-Understanding the terms "Godhead" and "divine nature"
-The true revelation of the Son of God: a mystery no more
-The truth about the Godhead revealed in the types and shadows of the life of Joseph
Seekers of a truly biblical understanding of the identities and natures of God and Christ, based entirely on a biblical foundation (of truth versus man-made traditions) will rejoice in the clarity and biblical precision of One God and One Lord, and in its powerfully compelling evidences establishing the original and unadulterated teaching of the Scripture as taught by the apostles and prophets during the biblical period.
Among the many question asked and answered are:
-Who does the Bible really say that Jesus is?
-Who did the apostles and prophets in the time of the Early Church believe that he was?
-Is there a difference between the Almighty God and the Son of God?
-What does the Bible really teach about the Almighty God and other "gods"?
-Are Jesus and his Father the same being and person?
-Are Jesus and his Father the same being but two different persons?
-Are Jesus and his Father different beings?
-Who or what is the Holy Spirit? -Is the Spirit of God the personality, presence, and power of God the Father, or is it a separate person from the Father and Son that is itself God? -Are there biblical passages that have been deliberately changed and mistranslated to appear to support ideas about God and Christ not actually found in the Bible? -What do the foremost Hebrew and Greek scholars believe these passages state? -Was the biblical and apostolic teaching of the natures of God and Christ perverted by the introduction of Greco-Roman philosophy and paganism? -Was the understanding of the Godhead as taught by the apostles and teachers of the Early Church complete and clear, or did that understanding have to be developed over the next few centuries leading up to the time of the councils of Nicaea and Constantinople?
These questions and many more will be exhaustively answered, based entirely on the actual and accurate rendering of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, the entire testimony of the Bible (in contrast to the selective