On The Horizon Of The Forgotten
In a universe where the visible merges with the invisible, the darkest secrets of existence emerge amidst an eternal struggle between divine and dark forces. Ronan, gifted with an inexplicable power, grows up to become a priest, facing battles that transcend the physical world. On the fragile line between faith and revealed truth, he encounters entities crossing the veil between worlds, seeking to corrupt and possess. The tension rises when an enigmatic figure appears in his life-a young man with equally mysterious gifts, capable of uncovering secrets that resonate in realms beyond comprehension. Amid sacred rituals, mystical symbols, and the constant presence of angels and demons, a battle unfolds, questioning the true power of evil and the resilience of the soul.
In this narrative, good and evil are not mere abstractions but living presences. With psychological suspense blending into the supernatural, the story explores what it means to confront the abyss with nothing but faith as a shield. But how long can light endure before succumbing to the call of shadows? And what remains of a man when he dares to face the secrets dwelling on the horizon of oblivion?