This book was extremely close to convincing me of the Biblical accuracy of Presbyterianism. Excellent book. The author lays out the theology, church structure and history of the Presbyterian Church (PCA). For anyone interested or those that want to know more this book is great. The format is stylish and easy to read. The reading is thorough but not too scholarly. At the end of the each chapter the author lists other books...
This book is well written using theological terms but explaining them in layman's understanding. It is w ritten for the non-Presbyterian to see what they believe without getting to technical.
One of my favorite truisms after my years as a minister is "no one grew up Presbyterian". What I mean by that is that in most of our churches, there are very few people for whom the whole idea of being "Presbyterian" is a new thing. Combine this with the fact that, as I'm also fond of saying, "you don't have to be a Presbyterian to join a PCA church", means that a lot of us don't completely understand or buy in to all that...
Despite being Baptist, I love and admire Presbyterianism. My parents are Presbyterians and raised me in that environment. Though I may not necessarily believe in them, I am at least sympathetic to many of the tenets of Presbyterianism, such as covenant theology, infant baptism and the Presbyterian system of church government. It was with some interest, then, that I began to read On Being Presbyterian by Sean Michael Lucas...