Since it first declared independence six decades ago, Israel has endured constant threats to its existence. Though the Palestinian conflict continues to hold the world's attention, it is in fact only one of the nation's long-term concerns. Aside from terrorists seeking to destroy it, Israel must contend with tensions between secular and religious Jews, the demographic challenges posed by a quickly growing Arab population, internal political divisions,...
In "Will Israel Survive?," Middle East policy expert and Washington insider Mitchell G. Bard surveys the upcoming challenges to Israel and dismisses easy solutions to the Arab-Israel conflict. "Can you imagine anyone asking whether the United States will survive or whether it should exist? Or anyone saying `no' if asked?," says Bard. "Israel is the only country in the world facing a concerted delegitimization campaign that...
As with any great book, I couldn't put this one down! M.Bard gives the reader details not widely known (but they should be) and does so in a manner that I believe, is fair to all sides. He points out hard facts that the world should be paying attention to in trying to "resolve" this conflict between a civil society of free nations and a hodge-podge collection of extremetist nations bent on destroying a minority people and...
I found this book fascinating even though I often had minor disagreements with what Mitchell Bard said in it. Bard gets off to a good start by cautioning us about thinking we have the "secret to peace." After all, "no one wants to admit that no solution may exist between Israel and its neighbors." And he notes that the U.S. State Department has long held the view that the way to achieve peace is to use American influence...