FOUR TALES OF INTRIGUE THAT PUSH 007 TO THE LIMIT In "Octopussy," a former operative in the Second World War must face the consequences of past sins when James Bond knocks on the door of his Caribbean fortress, and in "The Property of a Lady" Bond deciphers...
The last collection of James Bond adventures from Ian Fleming, Octopussy and The Living Daylights features four tales of intrigue that push 007 to the limit and find the secret agent questioning where he can go from there... In "Octopussy," a former operative in the Second World...
Bond is back! The world's greatest secret agent returns when an old friend's body is found in the Alps 20 years after he disappeared. James Bond receives an order to investigate the dark past of Dexter Smith, a retired British Navy commander. Bond quickly finds himself caught...
Football promoter Mickey Rossetti never knew who he was or what he really wanted. Until it was almost game over. Combining international espionage with international business and the action-packed arena of American football, Bob Robustelli's debut Cold War-era spy thriller TeamWork...
Bond is back! The world's greatest secret agent returns when an old friend's body is found in the Alps 20 years after he disappeared. James Bond receives an order to investigate the dark past of Dexter Smith, a retired British Navy commander. Bond quickly finds himself caught...
FOUR TALES OF INTRIGUE THAT PUSH 007 TO THE LIMIT In "Octopussy," a former operative in the Second World War must face the consequences of past sins when James Bond knocks on the door of his Caribbean fortress, and in "The Property of a Lady" Bond deciphers the elaborate...
Bond is back! The world's greatest secret agent returns when an old friend's body is found in the Alps 20 years after he disappeared. James Bond receives an order to investigate the dark past of Dexter Smith, a retired British Navy commander. Bond quickly finds himself caught...