Do you have a hard time understanding why some people simply blow up for no apparent reason?
Does it seem hard to get a handle on your emotions at times especially when others are being unreasonable?
Do you feel that no matter how hard you try some people are just keen on blowing things out of proportion?
Does it seem like your patience is running thing with some individuals who strive to upset you?
If you can relate to any of these questions, then this book is for you.
In this volume, you will find a helpful introduction to the practice of nonviolent communication for people who are thinking about learning about the NVC method and its practices, or even for people who are already beginning to learn about it to be able to understand it a little bit better "Nonviolent Communication: The best ways to connect with others and build the foundations of a healthy relationship, through a language in harmony with the universe" will allow you to be able to gain a much clearer understanding of the NVC method and the different things that it aims to teach people with regards to being able to communicate effectively with other people around them.
The nonviolent communication method focuses on a number of different concepts that all promote peaceful and wholesome ways of living that can allow you to be able to live a healthier lifestyle in terms of your mental and emotional states. Some of the basic concepts that the NVC method attempts to teach people are split up into two groups of four components that can be applied in different ways to allow you to be able to communicate more effectively with the people around you and even to be able to understand yourself and your own feelings and emotions on a much deeper level. The four components of the nonviolent communication method are:
Observations, or the things that you perceive in the people and the world around you. In the context of these four components of the nonviolent communication, this refers to the things that happen to and around you that might cause specific reactions from you or other people.Feelings, or the emotions that you experience as a reaction to the observations that you make or the things that happen to and around you.Needs, or the fundamental things that all people require in order to be emotionally and mentally satisfied or fulfilled.Requests, or the expressions that you or other people make to inform other people about the things that you might need and asking (not demanding) for help to allow you to meet those needs for yourself or even for other people.These four components are also split up into the two parts of the nonviolent communication model, which are commonly referred to as "empathically listening" and "honestly expressing". The first component, empathically listening, refers to the ability to listen to other people, considering the four components of the NVC method, in order to allow them to be able to understand and meet their own needs. The second part, called honestly expressing, refers to the ability to understand your own observations, feelings, needs, and requests, and to express each of those four components effectively and peacefully. The nonviolent communication has been developed specifically to enable people to be able to cooperate and communicate effectively with the people around them, and this book is designed to help you to gain a more complete understanding of the NVC method in order to do so. Once you have finished reading this book, you should have a much better understanding of the method and how to live a peaceful and happy life by practicing the techniques that the nonviolent communication method teaches.
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