Mother Teresa speaks in her own words on subjects such as Prayer, Love, Giving, Poverty and Suffering. Her teachings are presented without adornment, in simple English. This remarkable lady believed in serving God by serving others--the poorest of the poor. She founded a worldwide order of sisters who live in poverty among the poor they serve, and who treat the poor with the respect and dignity that they sorely need. She did...
Reading this book brought tears to my eyes just based on the sheer love for mankind this woman radiates. Besides being a touching account of what her day to day life was like of being of service for the sick and poor of the world, it is a great book of guidance and wisdom from a Saint who really followed the path of Christ from moment to moment every day of her life. One of the best reads ever as a source of Spiritual guidance...
I can count on two hands the number of books I've read that have made foundational changes in my life. This is one. From this book I learned the following: "If you are humble, nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are." And (this is Mother Teresa quoting Gandhi)..."If Christians were to live their Christian lives to the fullest, there would not be one Hindu left in India." And last,...