That's the closing sentence from Chapter 1, "The Decision and Determination to Succeed." Dan Kennedy is a unique star in the sales, marketing, and self-promotion galaxy. Unlike peers such as Joe Vitale, who will mix equal portions of cross-selling all of his other products and services to you with some kind of hoodoo soup that will leave you scratching your head and asking "HUH?", Dan cross-sells all of his other products...
This book serves as a "not to be missed" foundation for anyone that wants to fine tune their business and stop floundering about with no direction. Our office would not have been able to think out of the box and have our own radio show every Monday at 5:30 PM EST (found at information that we were able to glean from books like this one. We welcome Dan Kennedy, the author, to call...
I must admit this book review is one of the hardest I've written. Usually, there are only a handful of golden nuggets I can easily bullet point in a review for one book. With Dan Kennedy's No B.S. Business Success - The Ultimate No Holds Barred, Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners, Tough & Spirited Guide, I found something tangible and applicable to entrepreneurialism in each chapter. As I read books, I keep a highlighter and...
If you are committed to achieving a measure of success as you define it, you are going to have periods where your core values are tested to the limit. Dan emphasizes this point with his own personal history and experiences of other people he has known. Dan's presentation should leave a lasting impression. Once you let this lesson sink into you brain and you are OK with it, the book then helps you minimize the frequency of...
I'm amazed -- Where else can you get so much great business advice for so little money? This is an absolute must read for anybody who is starting their own business. If you really want to know what it takes to be successfully self-employed -- read this book. Hard core advice for people who want to succeed in business. As true today as it was in 1993 when Dan wrote it.