All these years after Vietnam Ehrhart cannot let go. Yes he goes other places: love of wife and child, memories of childhood friends and the ever unresolved situation with parents. Work, and lack of it, career and setbacks are here too, also the awareness of age as friends suffer heart attacks, as the sense of "last time" invades visits, as old places of the heart vanish. All of it presented with Erhart's deceptive simplicity,...
The poetry of W.D. Ehrhart is chiselled from the granite of raw experience. He closes his eyes to nothing, and his honesty carves verse which is spare and direct yet elegant-also often melodic and lyrical. His words pierce the heart like a steel-tipped arrow. Although best known for his meditations on and recollections of the war in Vietnam, here we experience a full range of life: his first French kiss; his dropping off...