After a series of convolted and plain old lame storylines (The Twelve, Operation: Zero Tolerance), Marvel finally had the good sense to get an acclaimed and truly gifted writer to take on everyone's favorite merry mutants. The great Grant Morrison, along with artist Frank Quitely began they're now classic run on X-Men (re-titled New X-Men) with E is for Extinction. Introducing us to Professor Xavier's evil twin sister Cassandra...
First and foremost: this is probably not for the casual comic reader or those unfamiliar with the genre, specifically the X-Men. This is not to say it is a difficult comic to understand, or that the concepts and/or art are too different than one might expect. It's that the story is best enjoyed by those who already know the characters and appreciate the situations they are put in.That said, to put it simply: this is one of...
Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly's interpretation of the X-Men is wonderfully strange and intelligent. Morrison's storyline is complex and layered with a level of subtlety and nuance that is rare in superhero comics. Married to this narrative, is Quietly's stylized and unique artwork which renders the X-Men as something more interesting than muscle-bound superheroes in brightly-colored lycra costumes. Together, they have created...
This book represents the recent changing of the gaurd on the 'X-Men' title. Not only did a new creative team take over, but elements of the book changed as well. Gone is the old brightly coloured, spandex wearing superhero look. Now the X-Men are clad in black leather outfits, a new attitude for a new era. Also, the characters are portrayed far more realistically, no more over-proportioned bodies. And the story is quite good...
As a long time comics reader but strangely enough never a huge X-men fan I undertook the news of Grant Morrison's immpending writing debut on this title with a little trepidition. There is no doubt that Mr. Morrison is the greatest living writer of popular comics fiction working today, but could he takle a team of characters that I loathe and make me care about them? BOY CAN HE. New X-men is Brilliant!! I still really...