Most modern Christians, Catholic or not, are well versed in Latinate theological terms and notions. But how well do they know the Greek words and ideas of the Scriptures themselves? Despite that the Greek New Testament has been back in the West for several centuries now, its vocabulary still has not become a part of the mental furniture of the common Christian. Logos, agape, kyrie eleison.... Can you go any further? And...
I have looked at and own some of the schorlarly greek word study books. They are not easy for a layman like me to understand. Barclay presents it simple and clear. He quotes from several ancient greek minds and tries to communicate the mindset of that age so you get an idea of the picture the Bible writer is trying to describe. He presents several different definitions of the same word. A excellent book, I only wish it was...
This book takes certain great New Testament words (more than 70) and traces their meanings in classical Greek, the Septuagint, in Hellenistic Greek, and in the Papyri, giving the reader a greater understanding of what these words meant to the writers of the New Testament and to those who read and heard their message. It makes a great starter book for someone just beginning word studies.