Packing spheres, Reversi, braids, polyominoes, board games, and the puzzles of Lewis Carroll. These and other mathematical diversions return to readers with updates to all the chapters, including new game variations, mathematical proofs, and other developments and discoveries...
Packing spheres, Reversi, braids, polyominoes, board games, and the puzzles of Lewis Carroll. These and other mathematical diversions return to readers with updates to all the chapters, including new game variations, mathematical proofs, and other developments and discoveries...
Packing spheres, Reversi, braids, polyominoes, board games, and the puzzles of Lewis Carroll. These and other mathematical diversions return to readers with updates to all the chapters, including new game variations, mathematical proofs, and other developments and discoveries...
Bei dem englischen Mathematiker john Edenser Littlewood steht in der Einleitung zu Mathematician's Miscellany, einer Sammlung mathematischer Miscellen, unter anderem der Satz: "Ein guter mathematischer Scherz ist immer besser - und zwar sogar als Mathematik besser - als ein ganzes...