A TOWN WITH GRIT New Hope combines three of Ernest Haycox's finest short novels with the interconnected stories he wrote about New Hope, a freighting town on the Missouri River in what was then Nebraska Territory. In "The Roaring Hour," Clay Travis, the new town marshal, and...
New Hope combines three of Ernest Haycox's finest short novels with the interconnected short stories he wrote about New Hope, a freighting town on the Missouri River. The Roaring Hour is concerned with Clay Travis, the new town marshal of Buffalo Crossing, and his conflicts with...
This book presents four interconnected stories of life in New Hope, a freighting town on the Missouri River in the Nebraska Territory.
"New Hope" combines three of Haycox's finest short novels with the interconnected stories he wrote about New Hope, a freighting town on the Missouri River in what was then the Nebraska Territory. The novels include "The Roaring Hour, " "The Kid from River Red, " and "The Hour...