Tanks and machine guns. Ha'ark has been forced to attack the Republic before he was absolutely ready, but the Republic buckles under pressure. This time both armies are modern and their leaders understand modern war. Also, expect the unexpected from Hans, who will turn the tide once more. A very interesting aspect of the series is how fallible Keane is. He inspires his people, but makes terrible mistakes that must be payed...
I started reading the series last week and have read all 6 now. Just found out about A band of brothers and am going to buy as soon as possible. Keep it up and I will keep on reading.
This book and the next instalment are almost inseperable due to the cliffhanger at the end, but the suspense pays off in a resounding fashion in 'A Band of Brothers.' It retains all the favorable qualities of the previous books that have enamored the Civil War, fantasy enthusiast in me.
Everytime before a new book comes out in this series I try to guess the next plot line. I knew the humans wouldn't have gotten away so easy. So I figured on everything from another modern set of humans (Confederates I planned), Horde rediscovery of ancient weapons, to different alien races would arise to challenge the 35th. But a new Horde leader is genius. But 1 criticism. I feel Forstchen is writing himself into...
Another great book in this series. I found myself recommending the series yet again in a local store. One request to the author (hope he reads these!): Whenever he decides to end this series, I would LOVE to read a good postlogue about the world 100 years after the "Horde Wars" is over...I would really enjoy seeing what world they create after they defeat (which I'm sure they will!) the hordes. The technology would certainly...