Acclaimed for its clear, friendly style, excellent illustrations, leading author team, and compelling theme of exploration, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4e takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience, emphasizing the biological basis of behavior. The...
Acclaimed for its clear, friendly style, excellent illustrations, leading author team, and compelling theme of exploration, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4e takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience, emphasizing the biological basis of behavior. The...
Acclaimed for its clear, friendly style, excellent illustrations, leading author team, and compelling theme of exploration, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, International Fourth Edition takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience, emphasizing the biological...
Der perfekte Einstieg in die Neurowissenschaften - ideal zum Verstehen und Lernen Seit vielen Jahren z hlt diese didaktisch durchdachte, verst ndlich geschriebene und hervorragend illustrierte Einf hrung international zu den f hrenden Lehrb chern im Bereich...
Acclaimed for its clear, friendly style, excellent illustrations, leading author team, and compelling theme of exploration, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, International Fourth Edition takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience, emphasizing the biological...
Neurociencia: la exploraci 3n del cerebro es una obra cl sica entre los estudiantes y profesionales de las ciencias del comportamiento y de la salud. Desde su primera edici 3n, esta obra ha destacado por la claridad con la que presenta su contenido, al utilizar una variedad amplia...
Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, Fifth Edition takes a fresh, contemporary approach to the study of neuroscience, emphasizing the biological basis of behavior. The authors present material at the cutting edge of neuroscience in a way that is accessible to both science and nonscience...
Release Date: May 28, 2025