For those living with bipolar, supporting a family member, or treating it, navigating the journey can be unpredictable and often heartbreaking. This collection of personal testimonies takes you on a bumpy ride deep into bipolar country. The candid essays in Navigating Bipolar Country will captivate, educate, and inspire you. And help fight the stigma against bipolar disorder and all mental illnesses.
Foreword by Candida A. Fink, MD.
Janette Abramowitz - Dennis Barras - Kayla Behbahani - Anthony Berger - Sarah Boon - Sheryl Bruce - Amy Cox - David Laing Dawson - Jens Peter Eckardt - Julie A. Fast - Ellie Gainey - Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian - Tami Hammond-Collins - Barbara Jacobson - Isabelle Lipari - Tara Mandarano - Stephanie Marie - Victoria Maxwell - Catharine McKenty - Brionna Morse - Amy Dodd Pilkington - Gina Roitman - Diana Samuel - Bruce Saunders - Laurel Saunders - Eric Smith - Janet L. Stanley - Natasha Tracy - Jayne Warren - Beverley Watkins - Gail Windsor - Tracy Windsor - Matthieu Zellweger - and others.
Edited by Merryl Hammond, PhD., bestselling author of Mad Like Me: Travels in Bipolar Country.