Do you think your father might be toxic? Still struggling from the effects of narcissistic abusive parenting? If yes, keep reading...
The accredited family therapist Caroline Walton will accompany you on a recovery journey to heal your emotional wound, break anxiety and recover your sense of self.
A narcissistic father can be defined as a parent who lives on control, on ego. He is possessive and lives in the competition. Typically, the narcissistic father perceives a child's independence as a threat and forces him or her to live in the shadow of himself. In a narcissistic parental relationship, the child is rarely loved for who he is, and is afraid to open up to others about the parent's behavior. Getting out of codependence is not easy, but it is necessary to regain control of our lives. But how to do it?
This book is written precisely for that. As children, we were not responsible for what happened to us, but as adults, we are accountable for our recovery. If we were marked by the experience with our family of origin, it doesn't mean that we have to be conditioned forever by the scars that our parents gave us. Through this life-changing book, you will learn:
I can't promise you that reading to this book will be a "total cure." However, I can promise that if you apply yourself diligently, read and re-read the chapters, follow all instructions to the letter, with a tenacious resolve to get better, you will feel an instant decrease in anxiety within the first 24 hours. You should see huge improvements within the early three days. This is not hype; This is what my audience commonly report. Seeing is believing. Are you ready?
Click on the buy now button and get started.