Can food heal some of the most complex medical conditions? My Unremarkable Brain: A Fat-Fueled Adventure into the World of Epilepsy and the Ketogenic Diet is a hilarious and inspiring book, where serial dieter and middle-aged "fathlete" David Robinson takes readers on a ride into the strange and surprising world of American health culture.
At the age of forty, after living for over a decade with epilepsy, David decided to put his brain to the task of figuring out the best way to eat and live. What he discovered was a community of medical experts, thought leaders, and regular folks gathered around the keto diet: a much-reviled "fad diet" that is a proven, 100-year old medical treatment for epilepsy and other brain disorders.
In this book you'll learn:
By interviewing the top authorities in the field, along with regular people who are using diet and lifestyle to improve their health, Robinson discovers a set of principles that anyone can use to maximize their wellness and live their best lives.
Note: Please seek the advice of your doctor before making any changes to your diet.