Have you ever wondered what happens after death? Have you given thought to the "end times"? In her latest novel, Barbra takes a look at the life and death of her mother, Concepcion Aguilar Sonnen, known among friends as Connie. Her mother was a government employee, entrepreneur, community leader, political activist, and follower of Christ. She gave her life to helping others, creating a reputation as someone who gave without ever asking for anything in return. In this novel, Connie's story inspires us to do as she did and learn from the example she lived in rising above strife and being stronger for it. In an accumulation of Connie's encouraging life, this story acts not only as an inspiration, but also creates hope in the afterlife. Connie's message offers a look beyond the veil in her recount of what happened once her spirit left her body. Step into Barbra's world once again as her mother takes you on a journey her spirit quite literally couldn't wait to tell you.