Roald Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer whose team were the first to reach the South Pole - this is his astonishing story, in his own words. Amundsen begins by explaining that he was not born with an urge to explorer the farthest, uncharted regions of...
Written by the people who could say 'I was there ' My Life as an Explorer is a classic of Polar literature, written by the first man to set foot on the South Pole. Amundsen's passion for exploring first led him to the Antarctic in the 1897 - 99 Belgian expedition and then led...
I Mitt liv som polarforsker gir Roald Amundsen et innblikk i hvordan han ser p? sin egen karriere. Den viser en mann med store triumfer ? se tilbake p?, men ogs? med mye bitterhet ervervet gjennom motgang og samarbeidsproblemer med andre. Roald Amundsen forteller ogs? om turen...
Nach ber 90 Jahren wird hier zu seinem neunzigsten Todestag erstmals Roald Amundsens ber hmte Autobiographie wieder auf Deutsch ver ffentlicht.
I Mitt liv som polarforsker gir Roald Amundsen et innblikk i hvordan han ser p sin egen karriere. Den viser en mann med store triumfer se tilbake p , men ogs med mye bitterhet ervervet gjennom motgang og samarbeidsproblemer med andre. Roald Amundsen forteller ogs om turen...