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Contemporary Fiction Literary Literature & Fiction Mystery Mystery, Thriller & SuspenseMY DROWNING is a haunting portrait of southern poverty and abuse by one of today's most gifted writers. This atmospheric novel is the painful (yet never pandering) tale of young Ellen and a potent commentary on the impact of the home environment on self-image as well as the heritage of physical and emotional abuse. Grimsley not only paints with a dazzling richness and depth of character, he also explores the nature of memory...
Even though I make it a point never to review books online, I cannot resist with My Drowning. If you find most contemporary fiction unexciting, as I do, and if you are looking for work that takes risks, is devoid of sentimentality, avoids the all-too-trendy irony, and tells a story in spare but careful prose written by an author who pays attention to the subtlety of language and syntax, then read this book. I mean what...
Wonderful story of a dirt-poor Southern white family. So captivating I didn't want to put it down. Easy to read. While of a depressing nature of lifes struggles, verbal and physical abuse, it was not so depressing as it had me in tears, as often is the case with me and sad stories. This may be in part because the character realizes the abusive behavior is not acceptable and doesn't repeat it in her own life. Main character...
I have never seen a more convincing portrayal of a female narrator by a male author. Nor have I ever been so completely drawn into a narrative. I began to feel what Ellen felt. The ending, where the mystery of the opening chapter is revealed is nothing short of perfect. I loved Winter Birds, but this book is even better.
Grimsley, writing through Ellen, is truly fantastic. It's so hard to believe that a man wrote this novel to be in touch with a woman's feelings. You literally feel, see, smell, taste and touch everything this family goes through, the lack of the human essentials and basics to survive and grow. It makes me much too happy I finished school and am thankful of my modest means as Grimsley helps me appreciate what I have and...