I have read My Body is the Temple three times, and plan to read it again soon. Rev. Stephanie Butler has a unique approach to the worship ministry and her writing style is very compelling, making it very hard book to put down. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about learning more about the role of art in worship, because it is not just the same information being repeated over and over again.
This book is a must have!! It lays down a foundation for liturgical dance in a powerful and scripturally rich way. The revelations and insights revealled are precious and I greatly admire her love towards others and imparting such wisdom into others who desire to establish liturgical dane in their area.
I would recommend that every dance ministry operating in the church should buy and read this book. It's worth having in your collection.
This book by far is SUPERB! I consider it my dancer's bible because Rev. Stephanie provides the sacred artist with so much vital information for our body temples, spirit man and call to the ministry of the arts. Every dance leader should have a copy in their own personal library. Even if you are not a dance minister, worshippers alike will appreciate this book.
I am very excited about this text becuase it is not written just for the dancer or the sacred artist, but for anyone who desires an encounter with God in their temple. It contains the clearest, easiest-to-understand material regarding the purpose and power of movement ministry. Leadership and laity alike will experience and comprehend how the WORD can become flesh and delivered to the Body of Christ in a movement message...