The first couple chapters are disturbing but you have to remember stuff like this happens daily. The main character is brave and great! Only thing I did not like is the descriptions of the forest chapters kinda dragged
After reading just 2 chapters I threw this book in the trash. The fowl language is horrible. Incest in the first couple of chapters. How can anyone an think this is entertaining? I do not recommend this book to anyone.
This book was recommended by a television personality that I admire. However, the book was full of extended detail about the environment and much discussion of different types of guns. I found it tedious and skimmed much of the book to get to the actual story. I would not recommend this one.
What is chick lit? Stories about women? Should it be funny? Romantic? Exciting? We think it's all of the above and more! Read on to explore a particularly fun subcategory of the genre. These five books feature fierce female protagonists who take on monumental challenges.