THEY WERE DEADLY BEAUTIFUL. 1886 New Mexico and troubles swarm. Sharpshooter and ex-Pinkerton detective, Oliver Redcastle, opts for the quiet life. Hoping to leave his violent past behind and provide his asthmatic young daughter a healthy environment, he settles on a sheep ranch with a mountain view.
As capricious as she is gorgeous, Marietta Dumont, his fickle lady love and the mother of his daughter, joins him vowing to make a go of it. Wrong! A brutal winter, a vicious viscount, and two beautiful kidnapped twins make her long for the glamorous life she led on the stage.
But Marietta's discontent is just the beginning of Oliver's ordeals. After that it's trouble all the way. Murder sets him on a deadly quest for a killer as lethal a sharpshooter as he. What he finds is much worse. Read Murder Mountain to learn just how much worse!