When nurse Amy Leatheran agrees to look after American archaeologist Dr Leidner's wife Louise at a dig near Hassanieh she finds herself taking on more than just nursing duties - she also has to help solve murders. Fortunately for Amy, Hercule Poirot is visiting the excavation...
En pleno desierto iraqu , en un campamento arqueol gico situado junto al yacimiento de TellYarimjah, Mrs.Leidner da signos de una creciente man a persecutoria que le pro-voca aterradoras alucinaciones. Aunque nadie da mayorimportancia a sus temores, ya que cree que pretenden...
Nurse Amy Leatheran was traveling in Iraq when she met Dr. Leidner, who asked her to join an archaeological dig to look after his wife who has been frightened by ghostly appearances and threatening letters. Mrs. Leidner confides to Amy that she had received similar threatening...
Crime sleuth Hercule Poirot returns in a thrilling BBC radio dramatization. Amy Leatheran has never felt the lure of the mysterious East, but when she travels to an ancient site deep in the Iraqi desert to nurse the wife of a celebrated archaeologist, events prove stranger than...
190 pages
Une jeune infirmiere, Amy Leatheran, arrive sur le chantier de fouilles de Tell Yarimjah, afin de s occuper de Mrs Leidner, la femme d un archeologue, qui est la proie d angoisses nocturnes. Lorsque cette derniere sera assassinee, Amy aura l immense privilege de voir Hercule...
Crime sleuth Hercule Poirot returns in a thrilling BBC radio dramatization. Amy Leatheran has never felt the lure of the mysterious East, but when she travels to an ancient site deep in the Iraqi desert to nurse the wife of a celebrated archaeologist, events prove stranger than...