This book is an excellent source of information on multivariate analysis techniques. I especially like the flowcharts used for determining which analysis method to use as well as the flowcharts showing what steps to take for the analysis method chosen. If you have a good basic knowledge of statistics and a good head on your shoulders, you will have no problem understanding the methods presented.
I took multivariate in Ph.D. school. Our professor didn't have a book (just his notes), so I had no book to be loyal to when I got out. I was given this book once I graduated and consider it to be a fabulous reference. I can't speak to *learning* multivariate techniques out of it because that's not been my experience with this book. I use it as a reference- to refresh myself on a technique, or to consult when I run into...
I've used this book (various editions) since graduate school -- more years ago than I care to admit. It is written in English rather than in "statistics" and gives a terrific conceptual overview of the research techniques. I keep it as a reference and use it regularly. If you want to understand multivariate stats without having to wade through a lot of symbols, this book is great. I also find it very useful when I'm...
This book teaches us a lot of methods in multivariate data analysis and the use of a model-building paradigm makes it easy to learn multivariate data analysis
A very informative and useful handbook for both practitioners and students. Each section provides a glossary, the statistic's theoretical assumptions, a step-by-step outline, a sample article that uses the statistics, and most importantly, the command code for SPSS and SAS. A must for anyone doing advanced level statistics!