Con historias reales y conmovedoras, as como ejemplos de las mujeres de la Biblia, Julie nos brinda ayuda espec fica para cada emoci n debilitante. Tambi n proporciona un estudio b blico en profundidad de la Palabra de Dios y sus provisiones de gracia y de perd n. Las mujeres descubrir n el libro perfecto tanto para una persona que busca sanidad como para usar en un grupo de estudio b blico. Dios puede sanar los traumas emocionales.
Julie Clinton, author, speaker, and president of Extraordinary Women, has met thousands of women across the nation and heard them share the deep cry of their hearts. Women are desperate to break free of the emotional bondage of the past-the guilt, the anger, the jealousy, and the sadness. Julie offers women real hope and the chance to be free, filled with joy, and able to be used by God.
With gripping real-life stories as well as stories from women of the Bible, Julie shares specific help for each debilitating emotion. She also provides a Bible study for an in-depth look at God's Word and His provisions of grace and forgiveness. Readers will discover the perfect book for an individual seeking healing or for a small group Bible study. God can heal your damaged emotions.