In this humorous and relatable novel from Newbery Medal-winning author Beverly Cleary, a girl must overcome her rebellious attitude toward learning cursive. At first, Maggie is just feeling plain stubborn when she declares she...
Maggie's first attempt at cursive writing earns her the name Muggie Maggie because she can't make the ""a"" correctly, so she vows never to read or write in cursive again. After all, she can always use the computer. Will Maggie really go on printing her whole life?
Maggie vows never to read or write cursive after her teacher, Mrs. Leeper, says her writing is so sloppy her name looks like ?Muggie.? Then Mrs. Leeper appoints Maggie class mail messenger and while she can?t read the cursive notes, she?s suspects some of them are about her.