Written by pioneering experts in the field, More Than Miracles remains the authoritative text on solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). The final work of the world-renowned family therapists and original developers of SFBT, the late Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, this comprehensive resource informs practitioners and students in how to apply this practical, internationally acclaimed approach.
With a new preface, this classic edition outlines the latest developments in the fields of family therapy, brief therapy, and psychotherapy training and practice. A succinct overview orients the reader to the current landscape of SFBT and provides three real-life case transcripts that illustrate the practical applications of SFBT techniques. The seminar format of the text allows readers to:
sit in on surprising psychotherapy sessions
eavesdrop on the authors' commentary about the sessions
gain a comprehensive overview on the current state of SFBT
review and understand the major tenets of SFBT
learn specific interventions, including the miracle question and the reasons for asking it
understand treatment applicability
read actual session transcripts
understand the "miracle scale"
get insight into the unique relationship between Wittgenstein's philosophy and SFBT
better understand SFBT and emotions
examine misconceptions about SFBT
and more
Suitable for both advanced practitioners and ambitious beginners, this book is the ideal resource for anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of the SFBT approach, the concepts that inform it, and the specific techniques that characterize its implementation.