Cajun humor must be kindly and homespun, and
no one spins a tale with those requirements better than the world's number one
humorist, Justin Wilson.
Written in dialect, his second collection of tales revolves around the lives
of quick-witted farmers, determined deer hunters, and diehard
football fans-people who could be your neighbors and friends, especially if you
live in Louisiana, and especially if you're the exceptionally neighborly and
friendly Justin Wilson-a man who never lets a good story go by. Have you heard
the one about the high-jumping bear hunter? It's a good one, I ga-ron-tee
Boisterous, charming, and down-to-earth, Wilson has delighted audiences
throughout the country for more than forty-five years. He is author of
Justin Wilson's Cajun Humor as well as many cookbooks, including
The Justin Wilson Cookbook, The Justin Wilson Cookbook #2:
Cookin' Cajun, The Justin Wilson Gourmet and Gourmand
Cookbook, Justin Wilson's Outdoor Cooking with Inside
Help, and Justin Wilson's Cajun Fables .
Howard Jacobs is an authority on Cajun Dialect, co-author of Justin Wilson's
Cajun Humor, and author of Cajun Laugh-in.
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