I give this book 5 stars for the quality of thought, not the ease of reading. One should start reading Bonheoffer with his great "The Cost of Discipleship." It has been decades since I have read any Bonheoffer when he was all the rage. One must remember that he was first and last a theologian, not a philosopher. He is a wonderful expositor and thinker within a Christian framework, so do not expect him to grapple with fundamental...
These are two of the most lucid and insightful commentaries I have ever read. Bonhoeffer moves beyond the usually mundane issues often dealt with when discussing the creation and fall. Instead, he places the focus on God and on how the creation and fall effect our lives as human beings. Temptation is a poignant counterpoint to the story of the fall. It points the way through the darkness of our everyday lives and to the...
If you are already familiar with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the wonderfully perceptive German theologian who was killed in a Nazi concentration camp in 1945, then this book will serve to deepen your understanding of Bonhoeffer's theology. If this is your introduction to Bonhoeffer, then you are in for a delightful surprise. In his short, but dense, analysis of the Genesis story of humanity's creation and fall, Bonhoeffer asks...
It's always fun to see how books get adapted for the screen. But sometimes, this happens before we've had the chance to read the source material. Or maybe we just want to reread a book before we watch. Here are fifteen of the books behind the buzziest new and upcoming book-to-screen adaptations.