I read this book during my honeymoon. I enjoyed it so much, that it made my wife complain because I didn't spend enough time with her. Trust me, I have read pretty much everything Auster has written, and I found this to be his most interesting and captivating work.
Paul Auster's "Moon Palace" is a dark, intellectual book about the loneliness and momentary as well as incurable basic identity-crisis (the angst) in the intellectually focus man. But it is also an amazing example of not only the "oh"-effect of chance but also of its intriguing beauty. This is as much Auster as Auster can be. It deals with his most common themes. But in this story it does so in a more subtle and delicate way...
_Moon Palace_ flickers through three generations of a family, with M.S. Fogg as the family avatar. Fogg is orphaned and uncled, and orphaned and sistered and fathered and fathering and finally orphaned again in a strange and gorgeous circle that still somehow manages to complete itself with satisfaction (if with sadness). Auster has written a book populated by beautiful ghosts. Highly recommended.
This book is brilliant you must read it if you want to know more about life .More reasons I like this book1) Auster creativity is outstanding 2) I never saw a man write so good 3) I never saw a book so deep ,ee every espect ofour daily life and light him . 4) fun and easy to read
In search of a good mystery I went to the Edgar Awards to find an author with whom I was unfamiliar. The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster was unavailable, so I picked up Moon Palace instead. I finished the book in one sitting. It seems to be more than a novel or stories strung together to tell a tale, but rather a grouping of real and beautiful pictures orchestrated with words. There is a sense of loss at its end, as if people...