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Butcher does everything right in this novel. The scary stuff is actually scary. The moral dilemmas aren't easy or clear cut. You don't like all the characters, but how Harry Dresden interacts with them is wonderful. I wish I could read more books like this one. An intelligent plot, lots of action, and triumph and failures of good people. This one is worth the money folks.
Over the course of the last few books, the Dresden Files has been steadily upping the ante for our pal Harry Dresden. He has become a Warden, picked up an Apprentice, triumphed over Hellfire, captured the attention and respect of an Archangel and shown significant signs of growth as a Wizard. Harry has grown so much that by Turn Coat, the series has really come full circle in many ways. In Storm Front, Harry was the suspected...
Morgan has always been a major thorn in Harry Dresden's side. So of course, he appears on Harry's doorstep, half dead and convicted of murder. But that's only one of the problems facing Jim Butchers wizard PI in the eleventh Dresden Files Book,. The aptly named "Turn Coat is half whodunnit and half magical thriller, with plenty of explosive magic, hard-nosed wizards, deadly conspiracy and plenty of grotesque monsters and...
I have just finished reading the book, I spent most of the day devouring it. As a big fan of the series and Jim Butcher I can say without a doubt I was impressed and this book finally answers nagging questions fans of the series will have. In addition it sets up the next book with a great conflict and more intrigue. I would recommend though that those just getting started with the Dresden Files not make this their first book...