I'm not much of a drinker, but when we had neighbors in the other day, I thought it would be fun to make some kind of drink that everyone could enjoy. We pulled out Mix Shake Stir, a beautiful book full of cocktail recipes with a few appetizer recipes thrown in for fun. This book contains recipes from Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality Group which includes some of New York's most well known restaurants. With 130 recipes...
Any home cook who would create and mix cocktails beyond the norm will want to consult Mix Shake Stir: Cocktails for the Home Bar. It comes from the author's acclaimed New York City restaurants and offers recipes for some unique, original cocktail creations, from Blue Smoke and Shake Shack to the classic party drink Rickshaw. Drink recipes come from Union Square Cafe, Gramery Tavern, and more and are fine picks.
I bought this book as a gift, but I had it sent to me first, I was going to give it in person. It is a beautiful book, and I looked through it to see what I was giving away. Wonderful. The most unusual drinks and the person I gave the book to loves to entertain. I know she will be able to find the perfect drink for every guest. I think this book is a winner!!
We can't think of the last time two wine lovers like us got this excited about a cocktail book -- but then again, most everything Danny Meyer and his team touch seems to turn to gold. MIX SHAKE STIR is a (professional *or* amateur) mixologist's delight, showcasing through gorgeous four-color photos and mouthwatering recipes both classic and cutting-edge flavor combinations -- like cucumber + cilantro, peach + Prosecco, rhubarb...
My father once ate --- by mistake --- a bourbon ball and nearly passed out. My mother has a glass of Manischewitz Cream Red Concord --- "a sweet but balanced wine with a velvety mouth feel" --- once every decade or so. Me? Two drinks and I get giddy, then sleepy. There is no cheaper date. But every once in a while someone makes an exotic drink that hides the taste of the key ingredient, and I suddenly see how I could develop...