Eva Moskowitz (the founder and CEO of the Success CharterNetwork in Harlem) and Arin Lavinia offer practical, classroom-tested ideas for dramatically improving teaching andlearning. Moskowitz and Lavinia reveal how a charter school in themiddle of Harlem, enrolling neighborhood children selected atrandom, emerged as one of the top schools in New York City andState within three years. The results of the Harlem school were ona par with public schools for gifted students and elite privateschools.
Describes what can be accomplished when students and adults allwork to focus on constant learning and performance improvement; DVDclips can be accessed using a special link included in thebook.The Success Academies have been featured in two popular andwidely distributed documentaries, Waiting for Superman andThe LotteryDetails the Success Academies' THINK Literacy curriculum, whichproduces dramatic results in student's reading and writingskillsIn addition to providing strategies and lessons for schoolleaders and teachers, Secrets of the Success Academies alsoserves as a guide for parents, policymakers, and practitioners whoare passionate about closing the academic achievement gap.