"Go and marry a prostitute." These are the first words God spoke to his prophet Hosea. Why would he ask this of one of his special spokesman? Because he wanted to teach Hosea, the nation of Israel and all of us today a lesson we will not forget, a lesson that is painful yet joyous. Hosea's somber portrait of the human condition is our lesson in pain. All of us have played the harlot by forsaking God and his ways. The picture is not pretty but it's true. Yet Hosea clear illustration of God's love for us brings joy. While we are yet sinners, God comes to us and loves us. Derek Kidner imaginatively takes us through the unfolding story of Hosea and his wife, Gomer explaining the basic message, pointing out the subtleties and encouraging readers to live lives worthy of the God who loves the loveless.
This book is perhaps a cut above some of the other BST series commentaries that I have reviewed in that Kidner deals with germane language issues succinctly. He also gives very practical tips for preaching. For example in Hosea 1 he starts out by drawing the practical analogy that we are often hurt the most by those we love. He connects this directly to the text. He also gets to crucial Hebrew textual points without...
Here you will find that mercy without response is self-defeating and forgiveness without a healed relationship is empty. You will read that the time came when the only thing left for G-d to do with Israel was to divorce her. We read the heart of Hosea is reconciliation, and though G-d's jealousy is a "fiery concern for what is precious to Him," Kidner's guide makes sure we understand His attributes are perfect and lovingkindness...
This prophet of love and typology is well served by outstanding OT scholar Derek Kidner.Balanced and biblical based study companion to this minor prophet. Background and Hebrew translation help with vital words to this book such as "chesed" and "ruchamah" are handled accurately.Maps and addenda will aid the user. Highly recommended.
It's a new year, so it's time to add books to your TBR stack! 2024 was a big year for adaptations, and 2025 isn't slowing down. You can start with book-to-screen adaptations from the end of December, and coming up in January and February. The slate of movies and television shows adapted from books span genres, from beloved children's classics to thrilling mysteries.