The 6th installment in the New York Times best-selling A TWISTED TALE series asks: What if the Evil Queen poisoned the prince? Following her beloved mother's death, the kingdom falls into the hands of Snow White's stepmother, commonly...
What if the Evil Queen poisoned the prince? Following her beloved mother's death, Snow White's kingdom falls into the hands of her stepmother, commonly referred to as the "Evil Queen" by those she rules. Snow keeps her head down at the castle, hoping to make the best...
What if the Evil Queen poisoned the prince? Following her beloved mother's death, Snow White's kingdom falls into the hands of her stepmother, commonly referred to as the "Evil Queen" by those she rules. Snow keeps her head down at the castle, hoping to make the best...
What if the Evil Queen poisoned the prince? Following her beloved mother's death, Snow White's kingdom falls into the hands of her stepmother, commonly referred to as the "Evil Queen" by those she rules. Snow keeps her head down at the castle, hoping to make the best...