John G. Lake was a picture of obedience first and foremost. He made no excuses when called by God and took his whole large family with him to a land he knew little of and had never visited, a land where he knew no one. Here God used him in spectacular ways in healing the sick. Here is faith in action as seldom seen today. Lake refused to be immunized against the plague. He challenged the doctors to examine the plague...
This is a small, easy to read glimpse into a life that was mightily used of God. The testimonies shared in this tiny power packed book were inspiring.
Having previously read everything I could find on this man of God, I found this book to be an excellent synopsis of the miraculous highlights of his ministry. Between him and Smith Wigglesworth, we Christians can be encouraged in the knowledge of how God, our Father, will use any of us that dare to believe that He will ever be true to His Word. This little book shows us how Holy Spirit filled believers can bring Jesus to...
John Lake came to Zion,IL. , very successful business man and the Lord called him into service and he gave all of his money away and was sent to Africa. His whole life and Ministry was one continous Maricle, his calling was from God for sure. Reading this book caused my spirit to jump within me and to say it was exciting reading will not do the book justice.
This was a man who affected two continents amazingly. He affected Africa through starting revival there and through healing crusades. He affected the USA and the International Community through the over 100,000 healings that occoured through his ministry in the spokane Washington area. He was often a workaholic but he got tremendous results. He even had Doctors and scientists on stage with him many times so that their would...
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