In the literature of Science Fiction, there is no more an underappreciated and ignored piece of writing than Thea Von Harbou's magnificent Metropolis. The book, a novelization of the screenplay the author wrote for her husband Fritz Lang's film masterpiece of the same...
This city of the future encompasses two worlds: that of the hedonistic ruling class and that of a segregated subculture, toilers in a mechanized underworld who labor to provide the rich with their pleasures. When a charismatic leader arises, she seeks a savior to unite the disparate...
This is Metropolis, the novel that the film's screenwriter-Thea von Harbou, who was director Fritz Lang's wife, and a collaborator in the creation of the film-this is the novel that Harbou wrote from her own notes. It contains bits of the story that got lost on the cutting-room...
This city of the future encompasses two worlds: that of the hedonistic ruling class and that of a segregated subculture, toilers in a mechanized underworld who labor to provide the rich with their pleasures. When a charismatic leader arises, she seeks a savior to unite the...
Metropolis is set in 2026, in a technologically advanced city, which is sustained by the existence of an underground society of laborers, a futuristic urban dystopia and follows the attempts of Freder, the wealthy son of the city's ruler and Maria, a poor worker, to overcome...
Release Date: Jun 24, 2025
Metropolis is set in 2026 in a technologically-advanced city, which is sustained by the existence of an exploited class of laborers who live underground, far away from the gleaming surface world. Freder, the son of one of the city's founders, falls in love with Maria,...
Metropolis is an science fiction classic originally penned in 1922, while she was married to German film director Fritz Lang. She collaborated with Lang on the screenplay for the film version.
Metropolis is set in 2026, in a technologically advanced city, which is sustained by the existence of an underground society of laborers, a futuristic urban dystopia and follows the attempts of Freder, the wealthy son of the city's ruler and Maria, a poor worker, to overcome...
Philip Kerr's untimely death last year at the age of 62 deprived us of a gifted writer of a variety of books, from children's to non-fiction. But it was his creation Bernie Gunther, a sardonic cop and private investigator in Nazi Berlin, that captured the imagination of fans...