Three minutes is all it takes to change your day for the better.
In Messages of Patience for Advent and Christmas 2023, Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran encourage you to focus on God's Providence as you wait for the unfolding of his plan of Salvation. With practical, everyday wisdom, White and Corcoran--authors of the bestselling and award-winning books Rebuilt and Seriously, God?--will help you to cultivate the virtue of patience as you listen for the secrets and plans God has for you. They will guide you in hearing God's voice and acting on it as you prepare yourself for the coming of Christ and the great feast of Christmas.
For each day from the First Sunday of Advent through the Baptism of the Lord, White and Corcoran guide you through a brief passage from scripture, a spiritual message relevant to your everyday life, and a simple prayer prompt to help you draw closer to God. While each day's devotion can be completed in about three minutes, you'll reap the comfort and inspiration the words bring throughout the day.
The book is affordably priced for bulk purchases by Catholic parishes, schools, and other institutions.