Es apropiado caracterizar de optimismo ontológico el mensaje de esta obra ya que, de acuerdo al autor, existen dos límites que Dios ha impuesto al mal: 1) La Creación y 2) La Redención, así que hay una primacía del bien sobre el mal desde el inicio de la historia y dicha primacía viene a ser reafirmada con la muerte y la Resurrección de Cristo: la victoria definitiva del Bien sobre el mal y raíz de la esperanza cristiana...
I had to purchase this book twice. I lent it to a student who was researching identity and interested in what I said about Pope John Paul II's comments on Descartes and the book never came back.... I suppose what strikes me as most surprising is how surprised so many students are that the works of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI are such philosophical and theological masterpieces that ought to be read and discussed...
In "Memory and Identity: Conversations at the Dawn of a Millennium" With Pope John Paul II recently passing on to the full phases of life, we have his final, fearless words. In a sense His last will and testament. The Book is written in a question-and-answer format. In these very candid writings (answers), John Paul II tackles extremely important issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage, and he fearlessly makes the case...
I took a college class many years ago offered in the philosophy department, ethics. It was a much more fun class than I expected it to be, even though it required reading some pretty heavy writing. The whole of ethics boiled down to "what is happiness"? Seems simple enough, and I was suprised by the great number of writers the past 2000 years who had their own ideas for a "good life". I wish I had Pope John Paul II Memeory...
In the wake of John Paul II's exemplary death, the media is filled with many accounts of people who had some brief, but memorable, personal contact with this great Pope; invariably people who have had contact with the late Pope report its enduring impact on their lives. But we can all have a meaningful personal encounter with this great man and servant of God: his biographer George Weigel delivered himself of the opinion...