This volume represents the interest of the American Academy in Rome (AAR), its fellows, residents, and the larger international community who use its excellent library and facilities. The Memoirs series presents a selection of articles on topics including---but not limited to---Roman archaeology and topography, ancient and modern Italian history, Latin literature, and Italian art and architectural history.
Volume 56/57 includes the following essays and articles: "Parsing Piety: The Sacred Still Life in Roman Relief Sculpture," by Laetitia La Follette; "On the Outside Looking In: Pliny's Natural History and the Portrayal of Invisibility Rituals in the Latin West," by Richard L. Phillips; "Cult and Circus inVaticanum," by Regina Gee; "Finding His Niche: On the 'Autoapotheosis' of Augustus," by A. J. Droge; "Urbanism and Identity at Classical Morgantina," by Justin St. P. Walsh; "The Visual Dreamscape of Propertius 3.3," by Emma Scioli; "The Pons Sublicius: A Reinvestigation," by Pier Luigi Tucci; "Apollo and Daphne by Antonio del Pollaiuolo and the Poetry of Lorenzo de' Medici," by Luba Freedman; "Leonardo Bufalini and the First Printed Map of Rome, 'The Most Beautiful of All Things, '" by Jessica Maier; "The Matrix: Le sette chiese di Roma of 1575 and the Image of Pilgrimage," by Barbara Wisch; "'Universal History of the Characters of Letters and Languages': An Unknown Manuscript by Athanasius Kircher," by Daniel Stolzenberg; "G. B. Piranesi's Diverse mani re and the Natural History of Ancient Art," by Heather Hyde Minor; "Architectural Amnesia: George Howe, Mario De Renzi, and the U.S. Consulate in Naples," by Denise R. Costanzo; and "A Forgotten Dig near Ostia, ' by Archer Martin.