I enjoyed reading this book. I have a wonderful Fiance who treats me like a princess ( something I've never had before). Before he came along, I was always in unhealthy relationships and unfortunately when I finally left that guy and found this wonderful man I brought some of my "unhealthy stuff" into this new relationship. Needless to say he's a very patient and understanding man. He's taught me so much about love, patience,...
I bought this book because I'm in my very first relationship, and I felt totally lost and confused as to if what I was doing right/wrong or if it even mattered. But after reading it, it's targeted more towards people having problems in their relationships, or people who can't find a date, and not necessarily just people who are confused and want tips or clues. It really focuses on good communication, and has excellent advice...
Dr. Kate uses real time language to make relationships come alive and be more than just some treacherous rite of passage. Her advice is specific, exploratory and helpful in making relationships living breathing things we need to care for in order to make them blossom and grow, or not.
This book is very well written. It is written in a way that both male and female can read it with comfort. Best of all, you do not have to read it from beginning to end. For instance, my girlfriend and I have been dating for awhile. One of my weaknesses is communication (especially with a girl). I skipped to Chapter 11, without having to know Chapters 1-10. Dr. Kate Wachs talks about almost anything on relationships. You name...
Informative reading for men and women. Great book to purchase for your self or a friend ........when you can't seem to have any luck finding the right mate. I