I am writting a novel set during this time period. One of the scenes takes place at the 1904 World's Fair. Meet Me in St. Louis gave me the background information that I needed. This book covers all aspects of the fair in a delightful and entertaining format. Anyone with the slightest interest in history will enjoy the descriptions of each of the attractions and will appreciate the effort required to host this great event...
I orginally purchased this book for my 8 year-old niece who is becoming interested in American history. After flipping through the book and being drawn in by the illustrations and their witty captions, I sat down and read the whole thing myself. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and learned quite a bit about St. Louis to boot, including surprises such as the fact that the first Olympic Games to be held in America were at the St...
This book presents a good overview of how the fair came to St.Louis, the preparations for it, major ingredientes and what happened after that.This is an excellent choice if you are looking for a feel of the fair and the world at that time. The book starts with how the world was at that time and how the preparations for the fair took place and ends with a narration of what happened to the buildings (and the Ferris wheel) after...